Ecco a voi alcune foto della visita di studio nell’ambito del progetto “Urban Connection”, supportato dal programma Creative Europe
, a Nis, Serbia
in cui i nostri top volontari Felice Croce e Gabriele Rizzo hanno preso parte. I giovani artisti che hanno preso parte alla visita studio si sono riuniti in Serbia ed hanno frequentato due masterclass incetrate sulle rispettive tematiche: musica rap e graffitismo. Le masterclass erano guidate da artisti riconosciuti nella scena della musica rap e graffitismo.
I corsi miravano a far acquisire ai partecipanti nuove tecniche nel campo della musica rap e del graffitismo. Allo stesso tempo hanno fatto rete tra di loro, sviluppando un terreno fertile per una futura cooperazione.
Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) from Serbia will implement the project “Urban Connection” within Creative Europe for the Strand: European Cooperation Projects in cooperation with Beyond Borders ETS – Italy, Teatro Metaphora – Portugal, Perspektiva – Albania, Art Republic Prague – Czech Republic and Szolnoki Break Tánc és Extrém Sportegyesüle – Hungary. Project proposal engages both young and already recognized hip hop artists in the WB and EU and strengthen the cultural cooperation between 6 countries by creating joint cultural platform. The project tends to build capacities of young performers through support of their recognized colleagues and foster transnational circulation of creative works of hip hop culture. The aim of the project is to increase cultural cross-border cooperation within 6 European countries. Its specific objectives are: 1) To build capacities of young artists in partner countries with competences, skills and knowledge to become recognized at the Western Balkans and EU level, 2) To support international activities of hip hop culture through multi-lateral street art events and 3) To increase transnational circulation of cultural works among artists of 6 participating countries. Project “Urban Connection” will provide young artists with capacity building opportunities through different study visits related to different hip hop elements and artistic expression through organization of Urban Connection Tour that will include series of hip hop culture events and festivals. The target groups of the project are young artists coming from 6 participating countries (rappers, break dancers, hip hop dancers, graffiti artists, conceptual artists, photographers and similar) – they will increase their knowledge and skills in different artistic fields, will perform in 6 countries and will be empowered with new skills through work with their senior colleagues, hip hop artists – will increase transnational visibility and performance in the project countries, young people – artists will reach as many people as possible in across Europe and extend access to cultural works and exhibitions, and local communities. Project “Urban Connection” is implemented in the period 01.05.2022 – 31.12.2023 and is co-financed by the European Union through Creative Europe program.
KOM 018 – Club for Youth Empowerment 018 / Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018
Teatro Metaphora
Break The Rules Breaking Event – Stay Fresh Crew / Szolnoki Break SE.
Art Republic Prague