Vi presentiamo le foto del Kick Off Meeting del nuovo progetto “Girls With attitude” finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ Sport dell’Unione Europea.
Hate Fighters Network dalla Serbia, in collaborazione con 4C-Cooperate Communicate Create Change dalla Grecia, Beyond Borders Italy dall’Italia, Fundacja Espanola dalla Polonia e ЖФК “Раднички 2012” Ниш dalla Serbia implementa il progetto “Girls with Attitude” che si concentra sullo scambio di buone pratiche tra i club di calcio femminile e sulla creazione di una rete transnazionale che fornirà una serie di raccomandazioni in merito al sostegno delle ragazze e delle donne nello sport e dei loro club; inoltre il progetto sensibilizzerà e sosterrà le giovani ragazze attraverso l’empowerment e l’incoraggiamento ad essere attive nello sport!
Il progetto è implementato in Serbia, Italia, Grecia e Polonia dal 01.01. – 31.12.2023.
Hate Fighters Network (HFN) from Serbia, in cooperation with 4C-Cooperate Communicate Create Change from Greece, Beyond Borders Italy from Italy, Fundacja Espanola from Poland and ЖФК “Раднички 2012” Ниш from Serbia implements the project “Girls with Attitude” that focuses on the exchange of the good practices of women football clubs and creation of the transnational network that will provide a set of recommendations when it comes to support of girls and women in sport and their clubs; moreover project will raise awareness and support young girls through empowerment and encouragement to be active in sports.
Project General Aim: To develop informal network of women’s sport clubs and organizations and increase transnational cooperation in the field of gender equality in sports. Activities that would lead to achievement of the project results include Project management and implementation; Online Kick-off meeting; Seminar: Exchange of the good practices and awareness raising campaign methodology; Development of recommendations; “Girls with Attitude” sport camp for girls; “Girls with Attitude” Campaign; Final conference and Dissemination activities.
Project is implemented in Serbia, Italy, Greece and Poland from 01.01. – 31.12.2023 and is funded by the European Union through Erasmus + Sport.