Nei giorni precedenti il nostro team ha preso parte al “Mid-Evaluation Meeting” nell’ambito del progetto “DiaLog” confinanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell’Unione Europea.
L’incontro si è svolto a Marrakech, in Marocco e ha coinvolto tutte le delegazioni partner del progetto provenienti da Serbia
, Marocco
, Giordania
, Tunisia
, Libano
, Grecia
, Macedonia del Nord
e Italia
. Durante il meeting si è discusso e valutato il lavoro svolto in precendenza e pianificato i prossimi step da intraprendere.
Ecco a voi alcune foto dell’evento e non vediamo l’ora di continuare le attività insieme ai nostri partner!
Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018), Serbia in cooperation with Beyond Borders – Italy, Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (SPPMD) – North Macedonia, Hellenic Youth Participation – Greece, Youth Spirit Center – Jordan, Youth Development Organization – Lebanon, Euro-Med EVE Maroc – Morocco and Euro-Med EVE – Tunisia implements “DiaLog” project. The project brings together youth workers and young people from Program and Partner countries (Region 3) to explore methods in youth work and develop new forms of youth work for working on the issue of intercultural dialogue and tolerance. Consortium organizes “DiaLog” project for youth workers and young people from Greece, Jordan, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, North Macedonia, Serbia and Tunisia who will gain specific skills and competences in the field of intercultural dialogue and tolerance through non-formal education and use of creative tools – concept graphics, photo and music; trained youth workers will test and multiply newly adopted competencies in their local communities among young people. Moreover, the project will deliver DiaLog mobile app – a game where young people can compete and learn more about intercultural dialogue and tolerance. Project is implemented in the period 01.02.2022 – 31.01.2024. and is co-financed by Erasmus Plus Program, EU – Capacity building in the field of youth (ERASMUS-YOUTH-2021-CB).
KOM 018 – Club for Youth Empowerment 018 / Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018YDO MESPPMD Council for Prevention of Juvenile DelinquencyHellenic Youth ParticipationAssociation Euro-Med EVE TunisiaAssociation Euro-Med EVE MoroccoYouth Spirit Center – YSC