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Call Erasmus+ Training Course a Stoccarda, Germania – 24/08 – 01/09– 2023

    Nuova opportunità di partecipazione in un progetto Erasmus+ con Beyond Borders: Training Course “ECOSMART: BUILDING SMART AND GREEN COMMUNITIES”

    Posti disponibili per: 4 partecipanti (18+);

    Dove: Stoccarda, Germania;

    Date: dal 24 Agosto al 1 Settembre 2023;

    Descrizione del progetto:
    We want to carry out this project and it is critical to happen because europe is facing a number of pressing issues that threaten the well-being of its citizens and the sustainability of its cities. Climate change, aira nd water pollution, and the decline of biodiversity are just a few examples of the challenges that we must address. The future of our cities and communities is at stake, and we need to act now to ensure that they are resilient, sustainable, and livable for future generations.
    Additionally, europe’s population is rapidly urbanizing, and by 2050, it is estimated that around 70% of people will live in cities. This means that the decisions we make about the development of our cities today will have a profound impact on the lives of millions of people in the future. We cannot afford to wait or to continue with business as usual. Furthermore, europe is facing an unprecedented economic and social crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic and the ukraine-russia war which have highlighted the need to rethink the way we live, work and consume. This project is an opportunity to create amore inclusive and sustainable future, where technology and innovation play a key role in addressing the challenges of the 21st century.
    Finally, the youth are the future of our cities and our societies, and it’s crucial to invest in their education, skills, and empowerment. This project is a way to provide them with the tools they need to drive sustainable development and shape the future of their communities with the help of youth workers. The european union (EU) has identified smart cities as a key area of focus for achieving more sustainable and inclusive urban development.
    Project results will be:
    R1: ss community action project plans: we are planning to create at least 9 community action plans and follow up
    with our participants regarding the implementation in the local level.
    R2: ss network: in the network, we aim to reach a minimum of 15 organisations from europe and beyond.
    R3: ss toolkit: creation of a toolkit for sustainable smart city solutions. By creating this toolkit, the project will have a
    lasting impact on the target group and could be used by other youth workers to take action in their own
    communities. The toolkit would also contribute to raising awareness and promoting the adoption of sustainable
    smart city solutions, both within the target group and beyond.
    – to train youth workers in the development and implementation of sustainable smart city solutions, using digital technologies.
    – to provide youth workers with the opportunity to develop their own projects related to smart cities and sustainable.
    – development, and receive mentoring and support to help them implement their ideas.
    – to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable smart cities among youth workers and inspire young people to take action in their own communities.
    – provide opportunities for youth workers to connect and collaborate with each other, exchange of best practices while fostering intercultural understanding and communication.
    – to contribute to the eu’s goal of achieving a more sustainable and inclusive urban development and fostering the development of smart cities across europe.

    Paesi partecipanti: Lettonia, Italia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turchia, Francia, Spagna, Macedonia del Nord;

    – Aver raggiunto la maggiore età, essere interessati alle tematiche del progetto.
    – Avere un bagaglio di esperienza nel settore della gioventù ed aver precedentemente partecipato a Mobilità Erasmus+.

    Lingua del progetto: Inglese (si richiede un livello intermedio-alto). Non sono richieste certificazioni linguistiche.

    Condizioni economiche: Vitto e alloggio coperti al 100% dall’organizzazione ospitante. Il costo dei biglietti di viaggio sarà rimborsato da parte dell’organizzazione ospitante fino ad un massimo di 275€ a persona. (Le eventuali eccedenze sono a carico del partecipante).

    Maggiori info sui rimborsi:

    Il Progetto è realizzato nell’ambito del Programma ERASMUS+ promosso e finanziato dalla Commissione Europea.

    Donazione: in caso di risposta positiva, per rendere effettiva la partecipazione, ti verrà chiesta una donazione per Membership per Beyond Borders del valore di 40 Euro. La valenza della donazione è ANNUALE. Ciò significa che se parteciperai ad altri progetti di mobilità giovanile (Scambi e Corsi di Formazione Erasmus+) tramite la nostra associazione nel 2023, non dovrai pagarla nuovamente.
    (“Perchè devo versare una donazione per Beyond Borders?” Perché Beyond Borders è una associazione no profit, giovane ed indipendente, in crescita e che si muove grazie a piccoli mezzi, contributi e volontariato, una realtà che opera per i giovani con l’obiettivo della diffusione di una cultura europea oltre i confini!).

    Le selezioni sono terminate!!!

    Si prega di inviare l’application solo in caso di reale interesse e in corrispondenza con i requisiti precedentemente descritti.

    Solo i partecipanti selezionati saranno contattati via mail e sono invitati a confermare la propria partecipazione via mail entro i termini concordati con l’associazione.
    Per ulteriori informazioni: