Il racconto di Luigi | “IMPROaction 4.0” Erasmus+ Training Course a Berlino, Germania – 14-24/10/2020
Il racconto di Martina | “Your future, your choice” Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Milkow, Polonia – 27/09-06/10/2020
Il racconto di Marta | “Creating a Connection between Young People and the EU” Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Berlino, Germania – 26/08-03/09/2020
Il racconto di Donatella | Youth Exchange Erasmus+ “Think Smart Think Green” a Bedsted Thy, Danimarca – 16-24/08/2020
Il racconto di Graziana | Youth Exchange Erasmus+ “Sport as Mechanism for Social Inclusion of Marginalized Youth” – 17-23/08/2020