Il racconto di Silvia | “Youth empowerment = EU future” ERASMUS+ YOUTH EXCHANGE A ŽELIMLJE, SLOVENIA – 17-24/08/2019
Il racconto di Raffaella | “Youngsters, a Bridge for a Better Europe” ERASMUS+ YOUTH EXCHANGE A Galten, Danimarca – 25/07-3/08/2019
Il racconto di Darashik | “EU Youth ONline” ERASMUS+ YOUTH EXCHANGE A TARNÓW, POLONIA – 19-26/07/2019
Il racconto di Ester | “Human Library: Human Rights Education in Practice” ERASMUS+ YOUTH EXCHANGE A Hindholmsvej, DANIMARCA – 1-9/07/2019
Il racconto di Rossana | “Between Difference and Equality: Social Inclusion of Minorities”ERASMUS+ YOUTH EXCHANGE AD ALBERGARIA-A-VELHA, PORTOGALLO – 23-29/06/2019